Our Governors
Our governors play a vital role in supporting and developing our school. They work together to carry out their core functions (as stated by the National Governance Association) :
1. Ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
Our governoring board work alongside our senior leadership and teaching team to help ensure that our school is managed efficiently whilst also providing an excellent education for our pupils.
Governing Board 2023-2024
Clerk to the Governing Board is Charmaine McCloud
The Chair of the Governing Board, Fr Jonathan Beswick, can be contacted c/o St Peter's London Docks CE Primary School, Garnet Street, Wapping, London. E1W 3QT
Committee Membership and Link Governors
Finance, Premises and Pay Committee: Colin Peat (Chair), Fr Jonathan Beswick, Nikos Spyridis, Anthony McDonough, Elizabeth Figueiredo, Alena Damijo (+voting rights) Debbie Boyle (SBM cover).
Headteacher Performance Management Committee: Fr Jonathan Beswick, Robert Gullifer and GROW school improvement advisor.
Our link governor posts for 2023-2024 are:
Safeguarding and Child Protection - Fr Jonathan Beswick (Chair)
Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children - Fr Jonathan Beswick (Chair)
Pupil Premium - Fr Jonathan Beswick (Chair)
Special Educational Needs - Michelle Gaye
Governor Training and Development - Remi Forrest
External Quality Control - Anthony McDonough
Governor Attendance Report 2022-2023
Governor Declarations of Interest