Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At St Peter’s, we help children to do their best, achieve their own personal goals and to access our broad curriculum at their individual starting points. We recognise each child as an individual and value their own particular talents and skills.

Our aim is to enable each child to reach their full potential, to make progress in all areas of school life whilst also developing personal confidence and self-esteem. Our policies below provide further detail of how we achieve this.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive outstanding support. Leadership is incisive in ensuring that each pupil’s needs are met, and leaders work closely with external agencies, parents, teachers and teaching assistants in school to address barriers to their learning.” (OFSTED Inspection Report, May 2019. Graded Outstanding).

Special Educational Needs Policy 2024 - final draft.pdf

SEN (Special Educational Needs) questions can be sent care of our Special Educational Needs Coord, Miss Young.