
At St Peter’s - the health, safety and well being of every child is our top priority. We expect all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment to safeguarding our pupils.

All school staff receive annual training in child protection, and children are made aware of the adults to talk to if they have any concerns.

We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which can be viewed on our policies page.

We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Elizabeth Figueiredo

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Georgina Hazell

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Alena Damijo



Chair of Governors and safeguarding Link Governor

Father Jonathan Beswick

For any help and support the NSPCC website is a wonderful resource for information for parents on how to keep children safe.

 NSPCC Parents Support Website

Educating Our Children in how to Keep Safe 

As the UK’s leading children’s charity the NSPCC is committed to making sure they are there to help schools around the country keep  pupils safe.

Through their Schools Service and Speak Out, Stay Safe –  NSPCC, working in partnership with the whole school community, can have a tremendous impact in preventing abuse and keeping children and young people safe. We have been lucky enough to invite the NSPCC into the school for a number of years to deliver workshops and assemblies to the children to support them in keeping safe.

Adults who are concerned about the welfare of a child can call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000

Children can contact Childline for help and support on 0800 1111

We strive to teach children how to keep safe in our everyday curriculum teaching. 

We achieve this through our broad and balanced curriculum with regular PSHE, Philosophy for Children and we are a Rights Respecting School. 

Safeguarding on the Internet

At St Peter’s we are committed to giving children a broad and balanced curriculum – this will include the use of computers and the internet.

St. Peter's has a fully supported firewall from Atomwide which keeps staff and students safe online,  and the network safe from the ever increasing varieties of cyber-attack.

We also encourage working in partnership with parents and guardians to set and convey the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. Pupils could potentially have unfiltered, unsupervised internet access at home. 

All parents should be aware of the concerns and benefits of school internet use. We have also organised and will continue to organise Internet Safety training for parents.

All parents are expected to sign an Acceptable Usage Policy so they understand what is acceptable behavior.

Pupils are responsible for appropriate behavior on the schools computer network just as they are in the classroom or in the school playground.

 General school rules and the Behavior Policy apply and it is expected that users will comply with the guidelines of this policy. At the beginning of each year children are taught a series of Internet Safety lessons that build their knowledge of how to stay safe online. 

The children also have refresher lessons each term as part of their Computing Curriculum.

As part of these sessions children sign up to acceptable rules for the use of ICT.